Principal Desk

“You can teach a student a lesson for a day, but if you teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives”

       -Clay P Bedford


We at Dr.John’s School and College of Nursing can proudly say that we stand by the above adage and the results are well reflected in our student’s behaviour and our institute culture. Our leadership , with special mention of our management of East West Group of Institutions has a clear vision about making the institute a perfect place for entry learner irrespective of his/her abilities.

The institute provides the best of nursing education so that the students can became world class nursing professionals. The institute is shining to offer quality education so that our student can complete at par with others and with the advancement in all aspects of life. The institution equips the young generation to battle with/ challenge in the nursing profession and dedicated to serve the humanity.

Dr.John’s School and College of Nursing provides with the best learning experience to the students to realize their hidden potentials and to achieve the goals while remaining focused on the college motto “To Learn To Serve”. Our institute ensures an overall development of the students by providing numerous platforms to exhibit and draw out their latest talents

With best Compliments.

Prof. Anjana Mathew .M.Sc (N)
Dr.John’s School and College of Nursing